PRP stem cell rejuvenation therapy uses the healing power of platelets and growth factors that stimulate the stem cell response and help create new collagen, regenerate and improve damaged skin, and slow down and reverse the signs of aging.
PRP therapy is a revolutionary method in which the doctor uses the patient’s own blood to rejuvenate the skin. The doctor takes a small amount of blood, uses a special technique to extract platelet-rich plasma, after which the method was named (Platelet Rich Plasma), and by injecting it into the skin, it stimulates the renewal of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
This procedure, in a natural way, stimulates the regeneration and recovery of facial tissues, reduces wrinkles and improves skin tone. It stimulates the production of collagen, improves elasticity and color, which all gives the skin a voluminous effect. Plasma contains important molecules such as blood proteins, hormones and nutrients that help regenerate tissues. Since the patient’s blood is used in this treatment and no synthetic substances are ingested, there are no side effects. In this way, the effects of aging are slowed down or canceled.