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    Ear correction

    Ear correction is an intervention that corrects the position and shape of the earlobes that are too prominent and separated from the head (clumsy ears). Ear correction also includes the correction of various congenital or acquired deformities in order to achieve a natural appearance.

    This achieves greater patient satisfaction and emotional stability.

    Ear correction is most often performed in patients of younger age. At the same time, there are many patients in later years who decide on this procedure.

    The intervention is performed under local anesthesia or analgesia.

    In the post-intervention period, the patient wears a voluminous, soft bandage on his head for seven to ten days. Its role is to maintain a new position and shape and to protect the eardrum. During this period, mild pain and discomfort due to the feeling of cracking and rustling in the ears is possible.

    The sutures are removed from the skin after seven to ten days. The bandage is then replaced with an elastic band around the head

    Mirabiliss Polyclinic - Nis - Ear correction 02



    Mirabiliss Polyclinic – Gallery – Before Ear Surgery 02


    Mirabiliss Polyclinic – Gallery – After Ear Surgery 03


    Mirabiliss Polyclinic – Gallery – Before Ear Surgery 01


    Mirabiliss Polyclinic – Gallery – After Ear Surgery 01